When my children were younger, I'd read them stories before bed.
And when we were done, I'd say a silly phrase I often heard myself as a kid:
"Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!"
One evening, one of my children replied with an equally silly rhyme.
When I laughed, another rhyme was uttered.
And then another, and then another.
You see, my children have always been very clever, and they quickly realized that the longer they could make me laugh with their silly rhymes, the longer they could avoid going to sleep.
Thus began a fun tradition of delaying bedtime by making up silly rhymes, one we fondly continued for years.
Teaching your children to delay bedtime may not seem like the smartest idea...
... but I certainly don't have any regrets about that.
My latest book, Don't Let the Crocodiles Fight!, is available now on Amazon, in both paperback and Kindle Edition.
I hope you'll consider buying a copy for a young reader you love.
And I hope it will end up being a gift you enjoy together.