I thought I'd write a simple poem
to finish off the year.
I'll try to keep it short and sweet
since '22's so near.
Let's face the facts, that '21
was just more of the same
of what we saw in '20 but
by now it's gotten lame.
Oh sure, we work from home just fine
now that we've learned to Zoom.
Though I'll admit I sometimes miss
assembling in a room.
If anything we've proven that
we can get past our woes.
I dare to say we'll be just fine...
as long as schools don't close!
I hope that next year we'll all find
a world that's much, much better.
Have something that you want to do?
Well c'mon then, go get'er!
I don't want to jinx it, but,
my friends, I think it's true...
Next year'll be the greatest year...
Let's bring on '22!
Wishing you and your loved ones the very best in 2022!
