Why should people choose you?
"Our product is better than our competitor's offering!"
"We have excellent customer service!"
"We work really well with internal teams to increase efficiency!"
Um, friends? Don't you think every company says those types of things?
"Why should people choose you?" is a question I inevitably ask all my consulting clients at the beginning of an engagement...
... and it's inevitably a question they have difficulty answering.
Likely because, as they say, it's tough to read the label from the inside of the bottle.
But truly understanding why your customers will choose YOU is a critical step in effectively communicating your value.
That's why I like the recent ad from Meridian Credit Union...
They use a bit of creativity and a dash of humour to illustrate one important way they're different from all the big banks.
"We won't treat your business like you're just a number."
And IF they can consistently deliver on that promise?
That's a powerful reason a business might choose to bank with Meridian.
P.S. I've helped many companies understand why their customers should choose them and how to communicate that message effectively. If your company can use my help with this, I'm available.
P.P.S. "My name is Thomas." What a brilliant delivery!